The program was conducted at M/s Prem Service Station (BPCL) and M/s Servicircle
(HPCL) Retail outlets for fifteen days each. Mr. Abhay Bakre, ED, PCRA and Mr.
S. K. Goyal, Sr. Manager & State Level Coordinator, HPCL had inaugurated the
programs at BPCL and HPCL pump respectively.
In the thirty days program, a total of 4250 vehicles were tested of which two
wheelers were 2799, three wheelers 49, four wheelers (Petrol/CNG) 1078 and four
wheelers Diesel 324.
The retail outlet owners confirmed that the Free PUC program was very successful
as the number of vehicles tested during the period increased by approximately
113% and 176% at BPCL and HPCL respectively. A total of 68 vehicles could not
pass the PUC test.